Ugh. Communion was such a fraught experience growing up! I always wondered “ok do I feel bad/guilty enough [about my childish sins!] to warrant me taking communion? Have a sufficiently reflected in my sinfulness before daring to ingest this nasty little wafer?” Open communion is a really lovely thing, though sometimes can still bring up some of the old icky feelings!

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Thank you, Christine! Yes, it's such a fraught thing, and I hope we as a society can get to a place where we allow people to just do (or not do) the spiritual practices that are life-giving to them, rather than trying to shame them into a box, which is so common with practices like communion.

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Kandi, your inclusiveness is touching and wonderful. I remember worrying about communion too--the difference being I was an adult so probably not as terrified as you were at 7 years old. I eventually was able to let go of my worry over that scripture but there were so many others--like the “unforgivable sin” for example. Scrupulosity is a serious problem in Christianity, and probably much more common than we know. If I were to summarize why I cannot be a Christian after decades of trying, it comes down to that--it arouses far too much shame, guilt, and worry even over simple things like taking a communion meal in Jesus’s honor. I need spirituality that uplifts me, not that terrorizes me.

I’m so sorry for your physical pain. I hope it has subsided now.

Lastly, cinnamon roles are my favorite breakfast too--with loads of cinnamon and thick gooey icing!!

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Thank you, Chuck! I resonate so much with your words, and I wish us both peace and healing (and many cinnamon rolls) on our journeys.

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I’m sorry you experienced that. And woe to that minister for sharing such a manipulative story!!! My youngest uses a wheelchair and it’s so unfortunate how many communion rails are inaccessible to people with mobility challenges.

And I’m so glad you have a treat you can enjoy even when you’re in a flare. I love cinnamon rolls too!!

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Thank you, Lindsey! Yes to more accessible communion!

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